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Government Of Assam Dhemaji District

Town and Country Planning, Dhemaji

  • Vision:

    To provide for an efficient, growth-oriented, flexible and sustainable urban environment in Dhemaji.


    To optimally channelize the development of urban areas through proper planning as well as facilitate the provision and improvement of services and infrastructure in the urban areas of Dhemaji

    Objectives, Roles and Responsibilities:

    The Role and responsibilities of this office are: -

    1. Preparation of master Plans for urban centres, growth centres as per Town & Country Planning Act, 1959, containing broadly-
    1. A general land use Plan for residential, commercial, industrial,  recreational, and public-semipublic use.
    2. Zoning Plan, plan including roads, railways, canals etc including allied structures
    3. Transportation
    4. Public utility plan
    5. A report in respect of the proposals in the plan or any other things the state Govt. may deem necessary.
    1. Preparation of Project Reports and implementation of various physical and Social Infrastructure projects for urban development sectors through ULBs and Development Authorities.
    2. Preparation of project reports for various Govt. sponsored urban poverty related socio-economic & physical infrastructure schemes/projects time to time, and their implantation through the ULBs and their monitoring.
    3. Act as a District Level nodal office for the Mission “Housing for all by 2022” under PMAY(Urban).
    4. Enforcement of provisions of Master Plan, Zoning Regulations and Building bye laws over the jurisdiction of Development Authorities.

    1. Public Service delivered by dept. and process

    The office of the Deputy Director, Town & Country Planning, Dhemaji is headed by the Director of Town & Country Planning, Dispur. The prime function of the office is to prepare the Master Plan for Urban areas of Dhemaji district under Town & Country Planning Act, 1959 (as amended) and to look after the affairs projects for Urban Development through ULBs and Development Authority in the District. Master Plan is a legal document for the development of Urban Areas prepared to a specific time period. The validity of Master Plan is for a specific period and after expiry of the period it needs revision and modification.

    2. Location of office and Address

    Office of the Deputy Director, Town and Country Planning, Dhemaji.

    Opp. Super Market, Sukapha Nagar Path, Dhemaji Tiniali, Dhemaji-787057.

    Email ID- deputydirectortcpdhemaji@gmail.com