Mission of the Department is to promote, facilitate and secure the long-term development, conservation and utilization of fisheries resources based on responsible fishing practices and environmentally sound management programmes with focus on:
- Sustainable utilization of the natural fish resources
- Augmentation of fish production by aquaculture, exploration of new fishing grounds, promotion of low value fishes.
- Enhancing fish production and productivity
- Ensuring safe fishing
- Increasing livelihood opportunities
- Strengthening social security and welfare measures for fisher folk
- Fish resource conservation and management
- Facilitating improved post harvest practices and value addition with industrial and market linkages.
Roles and responsibilities:
Most of the people engaged in the fishery sector, either in the culture or in the capture fisheries are not very sound economically. Initial investment in setting up of a fish pond or a farmattracts for comparatively largefund. Moreover, due to lack of awareness, knowledge and skill on scientific fish culture practices and management, fish production in the state is comparatively low in relation to its potential. Department of Fisheries can play important role in bridging these gaps and contribute for technical backstopping. Due to constant effort of the state as well as central government and growing interest of the farming community during the last few years, fishery sector in the state has reached to a significant position in the state economy. Recently fish farming has been taken by many rural youth and entrepreneurs as a commercial activity. Fish production in the state has reached a level of 3.07 lakh MT during 2016-17 against 1.58 lakh MT during 2000-01.
For overall growth of the sector, the Department functions with the slogan of ‘’Grow More Fish’’ and the following mandates:
- To increase fish and quality fish seed production in the state with optimum utilization of resources.
- Implementation of fishery related schemes of the Government of Assam and Government of India.
- To identify and promote research and studies on fisheries and fishery related areas so that benefit can be disseminated to the grass root level users.
- To collect, compile, analyze and make available adequate / relevant statistical and other information for proper planning to promote fish farming and related industries/ activities.
- To prepare/support in preparation/vet project reports and proposals related to Fisheries and Fishery related industries.
- To provide extension services to fish farmers/ fishermen and fishery entrepreneurs.
The Department has adopted development planning for the fisheries sector as per the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) self sufficiency followed by surplus production for export.
Assam is endowed with vast Fishery resources in the form of rivers, ponds, derelict water bodies, Beels covering 2.85 lakh ha in addition to the two major river systems viz the Brahmaputra and Barak with their tributaries. Fish occupies an important place in the lives of the people of the State and fish farming has been one of the common activities in the rural areas. Thus the Fishery sector is considered as an important economic activity in the socio-economic context in the State of Assam. The State Fishery Department has a mandate to increase fish and quality fish seed production, identify and promote research and studies on fisheries and allied areas, promote scientific fish farming, provide extension services to fish farmers, fishermen and fishery entrepreneurs with a vision to achieve self-sufficiency in fish production through sustainable fisheries management practices.
Office of the District Fishery Dev. Officer
Sl. No
Employees Name
Contact Details
Sri Davis Ch. Taw
District Fishery Development Officer, Dhemaji
Sri Jagneswar Bordoloi
Sub-Divisional District Fishery Dev. Officer, Jonai
Sri Rajen Hazarika
Fisheries Development Officer, Bordoloni & Dhemaji Dev. Block
Sri Dipankar Saikia
Fisheries Development Officer, Machkhowa Dev. Block
Sri Mantu Konwar
Fisheries Development Officer, MSTD & Sissiborgaon Dev. Block
Sri Krishna Hazarika
Assistant Fishery Officer
Sri Dinamoni Das
Fishery Demonstrator
Dhemaji Dev. Block
Sri Bimal Chiring
Fishery Demonstrator
Bordoloni Dev. Block
Sri Manuj Payeng
Fishery Demonstrator
Machkhowa Dev. Block
Sri Jiban Buragohain
Fishery Demonstrator
Sissiborgaon Dev. Block
Sri Puspa Das
Fishery Demonstrator
Dhemaji Dev. Block
Sri Biswa Bhuyan
Field Assistant
Sri Hemo Kanta Charoh
Senior Assistant
Sri Parag Gogoi
Junior Assistant
Sri Sanir Boruah
Yearly Target :
Sl. No.
Name of Schemes
Physical Target (ha)
Blue Revolution
Matsya Jagaran
- Productivity increased through inputs and material supply (General & SCSP)
- Enhance fish production through scientific fish culture
- Utilization of new pond constructed for fish production
- Socio-economic uplift of the rural people
Unit cost and sharing pattern:
- In accordance with approved guidelines for implementation of RIDF-XXIII Trenches, 2Ol7-18 under Fishery Department
- 50% of the unit cost of Rs. 1.50 lakh/ha as project share and remaining 50% will be the beneficiary share. The assistance will be provided for one year.
- Project cost is restricted towards the most critical inputs namely Fish Seed and Fish Feed only for sustainable fish production from per unit area.
Eligibility Criteria:
- First preference to be given to the already selected beneficiaries who competed construction of new pond through Matsya Jagaran scheme under SOPD 2017-18.
- For the remaining target, if any, 'Ready-to-stock' (requiring no renovation works) individual ponds and/or community tanks could be selected in accordance with approved guidelines for implementation of RIDF-XXIII Trenches, 2017 -18 under Fishery Department.
- Farmers' individual ponds:
- Average pond size: 0.14--0.20 ha.
- Ownership of the land should belong to the concerned beneficiary. If the pond is not in of the beneficiary then NOC from the actual owner of the proposed pond site duly signed by the Local village Head-Man is to be submitted. DFDO or his designated officers should ensure ownership of the land for development and copies of land records to be maintained in the O/O the DFDO for verification.
- The identified site must be free from any dispute/litigation/legal implications.
- The beneficiaries who has availed similar assistance in last 5 years for the specific scheme from the department/ other department are not eligible.
- Beneficiary should agree to work in group approach through common interest Group (CIG)/ Fishery Interest Group (FIG), if suggested by Director of Fisheries, Assam.
- Village Community Tanks:
- Average size of the Tank: 1.0 ha- 5.0 ha.
- Land should belonging to fishery cooperative societies/SHGs/NGOs/CBOs etc./Govt. Khas land including land ownership belongs to Assam Fisheries Development corporation Ltd. (AFDC), FISHFED' etc. such village community Tanks will have to be managed by the fishery cooperative societies/SHGs/NGOs/CBOs, etc. in case to case basis. In case of AFDC and FISHFED, the community group will have to enter into agreement with AFDC & F|SHFED under the direct supervision of Directorate of Fisheries, Assam.
- Single ownership of land will not be eligible.
- The minimum number of beneficiary/members of fishery cooperative societies/ SHGs/NGOs/CBOs etc. should be 10-15 against one community Tank.
- Identified area must be free from any dispute or litigation. No existing community tank will be included under the scheme and the proposed tank should be invariably a new one.
- Fishery cooperative societies/ SHGs/NGOs/CBOs etc will have to apply as per the application form to be issued by the Fishery Deptt. along with land documents, site plan and certified pre development photographs.
- lf the fishery cooperative societies/ SHGs/NGOs/CBOs etc. have taken the land area on lease, it should be more than 7 years/at least 5 years effective from the date of project approval/sanction commencing from not later than 1st January 2018.
- Targeted area under SCSP should preferably be from the SC reserved constituencies. If feasible area not available in SC reserved constituencies, then area from other constituencies may also be considered.
- All intended beneficiaries must agree to adopt technical packages offered by the department and to bear his recommended share from his own resources in Advance.
Selection Procedure:
For “ready to stock” individual ponds and/or community tanks, procedure will be in accordance with approved guidelines for implementation of RIDF-XXIII Trenches, 2017-18 under Fishery Department.
The procedure per the approved guideline as mentioned above are copied down below for ready reference:
- Director of Fisheries, Assam will communicate the district wise target based on scope, need and potentialities of the area.
- Based on district-wise target so received, concerned District Fisheries Development officer (DFDO) will distribute the target to each constituency based on scope, need and potentiality of the constituency and accordingly inform the concerned Nodal Fisheries Development officer (FDO) for necessary action to complete the field survey as per the Departmental norms. These Nodal officers will coordinate the entire thing in a time bound manner.
- DFDO will scrutinize all the applications received from the intending applicants and will prepare the list of the individual farmers for Farmers pond scheme, and community Group etc. for village Community Tanks as per the eligibility criteria under para 5.0 of this guidelines. Concerned Nodal officer will assist the DFDOs in this regard. All such scrutinized applications will have to be supported by the survey Report (SR) signed by the FDOs and concerned Junior Engineers (JE) with their 'recommendations.
- Finally, DFDO will place the list of farmers/community groups, etc. before the District Level selection committee (DLSC) to be headed /chaired by the Deputy Commissioner or his Representative not below the rank of sub Divisional officer (civil/sadar). District Fisheries Development officer (DFDO) will act as the Member secretary of the Committee while sub- divisional Fisheries Development officer/District Nodal officer (Fishery) and District Agriculture officer (DAO) will be the Members of the committee.
- DLSC will accordingly approve and recommend the District Beneficiary List (individual farmer's ponds & village community tanks) and will submit and/or forward to the Director of Fisheries, Assam for necessary action along with proceeding/Minutes of the DLSC meeting.
- Beneficiaries will be asked to furnish an affidavit on Rs.100/_ Stamp paper for the terms and conditions, etc of this guideline so that schemes are implemented effectively and properly.
- For individual ponds and/or community tanks, procedure will be in accordance with approved guidelines for implementation of RIDF-XXIII trenches, 2017-18.under Fishery Department.
The procedure per the approved guideline as mentioned above ore copied down below ready for reference:
- The concerned District Fishery Development officer and the officer designated by the DFDO will be responsible for implementation of the scheme.
- The beneficiary must submit minimum two copies of neat & recent passport photograph. Maintenance of photographs of pre development and post development of project site is mandatory.
- The beneficiary must have a running bank account in any nationalized/scheduled bank branch available in the locality/choice. The account must be appropriate in all aspects supporting DBT for the eligible amount. No financial help wilt be provided from the scheme for opening of the Bank account.
- The Individual beneficiary must fix a permanent signboard not smaller thon 4, x 2,, written on metallic sheet depicting the detail of the scheme.
- The concerned District Fishery Development officer will call for tender/quotation as per latest government procedure for the items to be provided as government share in advance for timely implementation of the scheme. A clause must be specifically mentioned that the work order will be issued only on sanction and approval from the authority concerned to avoid legal complicacy. (Applicable if financial target allotted to DFDO/DDO)
- However, if the items are centrally procured and distributed, DFDO should ensure records of input-wise beneficiary-wise details of items receive from the supplier. All such received should be signed by the beneficiaries, verified by the field level officers and countersigned by the DFDO concerned.
- For the beneficiaries who completed construction of new pond through Matsya Jagaran scheme under SOPD 2017-18, bank account already submitted for civil works during previous year is to be considered for DBT.
- The details of the beneficiary-wise bank account including Account Number, Name of beneficiary, Bank name & Branch, Branch code, IFSC code etc to be recorded for payment. To avoid any ambiguity a cancelled cheque or the front page of the pass book depicting relevant account information is to be collected from the beneficiary. The beneficiary account should have KYC clearance.
- All other official procedures not mentioned above will be as per existing Government Procedures.
Fund Release and Mode of Payment:
- Fund to be released preferably in a single installment on completion of the activity or based on progress and as per the terms and conditions of the Administrative approval and Financial Sanction for the respective scheme.
- While submitting the ceiling demand, the following documents duly signed by the DDO with date and seal/stamp has to be submitted.
- C-l format
- progress/ Completion certificate
- Approved beneficiary list
- photographs of materials received with proper details (beneficiary wise)
- Any other documents as required as per AA/FS/Checklist of finance online system or as sought for in due course of time.
- DDO shall keep the following documents with them for submission as and when asked for:
- Receipt record of materials with quantity and date (Item and Beneficiary wise, preferably in a single sheet)
- NIQ/NIT (if floated)
- Comparative statement and minutes of the evaluation/ approval
- Work/supply order.
- All other relevant documents.
Assam is endowed with vast fishery resources in the form of rivers, ponds, derelict water bodies, and beels covering total water spread area of over 2.85 lakh ha excluding 4820 Km riverine fisheries. Fisheries are an important sector in the state of Assam that provides employment opportunity to large numbers of people besides providing nutritional and livelihood security to them. More than 90 of the total population of the state consume fish. The state is also rich in diverse ichthyo-fauna with 216 freshwater species available and 150 fish species having ornamental importance and 50 species have overseas ornamental values. There are about 3 lakh fish farmers engaged in fish culture and about 10 lakh fishermen population involved mainly in capture fisheries.
Though the State has ample water resources, production from the resources are very low in
comparison to its potential. During the year 2015-16, the State has achieved fish production of 2.94 Lakh MT against the present nutritional demand of the state which is 3.36 Lakh MT. Thus there is a gap of 0.42 lakh MT of fish in the state. The average fish fry production in the State is 4500 million number where as the production fingerlings is 135 million numbers against the requirement of 350 million numbers. At present, the State has 8 fish feed mills that can produce 3000 MT against the requirement of 90000 MT. Today, we have a shortage of quality seed, feed and related fisheries infrastructure including post harvest facility for sustainable development of the sector. Thus, there is an urgent need for taking ambitious development plan for fisheries development in the State for making the State self sufficient and there by producing more employment, more livelihood, more income and nutritional & food security to the fish loving people of the State and NE region including holistic development of the sector to meet the demand of seed, feed at the earliest.
One of the major constraints identified for low production from unit area in Assam is
unavailability of right size of fingerlings for stocking. So, an effort towards construction of
rearing areas for fingerling production and establishment of hatchery units have been proposed and given impetus during the year 2017-18 under Blue Revolution Scheme. To enhance fish production from unit area through use of oxygen enhancer, it has been proposed to supply solar aerators to the progressive fish farmers. To enhance livelihood for cooperative society members, a step for supply of craft and gears in 74 Beels of AFDC Ltd. have been proposed. To promote self-employment for educated unemployed youth, a proposal for dry fish making unit and retail out has proposed.
- Creation of Fingerling rearing area (General, SC/ST/Women and their cooperatives & Govt. Sector:
- Expansion of fish seed rearing area
- Enhancing fish seed production
- Socio-economic uplift of the rural people
- Reducing the gap/shortage of fingerlings
Unit cost and sharing pattern:
- In accordance with the Government of India approved Blue Revolution guidelines for
Implementation of Blue revolution schemes 2017-18.
- 40% of the unit cost of Rs.7.50 lakh ha (civil work + input) as project share and remaining 60% will be the beneficiary share for beneficiaries belonging to General categories. The assistance will be provided for one year.
- 60% of the unit cost ofRs.7.50 lakh/ha (civil + input) as project share and remaining 40
will be the beneficiary share for beneficiaries belonging to SC/ST/Women or their
cooperatives. The assistance will be provided for one year.
- 80% of the unit cost ofRs.7.50 lakh/ha (civil + input) as project share and remaining 20% will be the beneficiary share for beneficiaries belonging to Govt. sector. The assistance will be provided for one year
- The unit cost and sharing pattern is tabulated below:
Unit cost
Government share
Beneficia!), share
Rs. 6.00 lakh
Rs. 3.00 lakh/ unit for
Rs. 4.50 lakhl
per ha for civil
General category (40
unit for private
of the project cost)
Rs. 1.50 lakh
Rs. 4.50 lakh/unit for
category (60%
per ha for inputs
SC/ST/ Women and
of the project
their cooperatives.
Rs.6.00 lakh/ha for
Govt sector ( 80%of the
Lakh/unit for
project cost)
and their
Rs. 1.50 lakh for
Govt sector
( 20% of the
project cost)
Eligibility Criteria:
- The selected sites must be in cluster. In case of College of Fisheries (CoF) & FISHFEED, the site must within the jurisdiction of the institute or farm under the administrative control of the Institutes.
- Average pond size: 0.10 – 0.14 Ha. In case of College of Fisheries (CoF) & FISHFEED, the size and specification to be decided by the institutes as per scientific norms.
- All other norms as per the approved guidelines of BR 2016-17 for rearing area will be applicable.
- The criteria for implementation of project by CoF, Raha will be as per approved
proposal/DPR and FISHFED will be need based.
Selection Procedure:
- The procedure will be in accordance with the approved guidelines for Implementation of RIDF-XXIII Trenches, 2017-18 under Fishery Department.
- The selected beneficiaries must be from a cluster area/cluster not exceeding 1 - 2 sq km area. The primary objective for selection of beneficiaries in cluster is to form a group fish seed rearing area/seed village.
- The project proposal is to be implemented by CoF, Raha will be as per approved
proposal/DPR and FISHFED will select a suitable site/farm under its control free from all encumbrances.
- The procedure will be in accordance with the approved guidelines for Implementation of Blue Revolution/ or as per directives and notifications issued by the Government of
Assam from time to time.
- The Dean, College of Fisheries, Raha will implement the project as per approved
proposal/DPR and the MD, FISHFED will implement the project under the direct
supervision of the Director of Fisheries. The institute/organization will carry out work
following standard Govt. procedures/University procedures as may be the case.
Fund Release and Mode of Payment:
- The procedure will be in accordance with approved guidelines of Blue Revolution for the year 2016-17,
- All payment through DBT only.
- In case of College of Fisheries, Raha and FISHFED, the fund will be released by the Director of Fisheries, Assam to the Dean, CoF, Raha and MD, FISHFED, Guwahati in single installment on receipt of fund release proposal from the concerned
institute/organization. The fund release proposal must clearly show total project cost, Govt share, & beneficiary share. They will make expenditure following all norms of the Assam Financial Rules / Govt of Assam without any deviation and submit Utilization certificate along with completion certificate, photographs of pre-development stage, execution stage and post development stage.
- Construction of Fish seed hatcheries for general and SCSP:
- Creation of fish seed producing infrastructure to support fish seed rearing farmers
- Making fish seed )spawn) available at District/Block/GP level
- Giving a boost/fill up to the shortage of quality seed at District/Block/GP level
- Socio-economic uplift of the rural people.
Unit cost and sharing pattern:
- In accordance with approved guideline of Govt. of India for BR 2017-18.
- 40% of the unit cost of Rs. 13.00 lakh/unit as project share and remaining 60% will be the beneficiary share for general category.
- Similarly 60% of the unit cost of Rs. 13.00 lakh/unit as project share and remaining 40% will be the beneficiary share for SC/ST/ women or their cooperatives.
- Details of unit cost and sharing pattern is tabulated below.
Unit cost
Government share
Beneficiary share
Rs. 13.00 Iakh per unit
Rs. 5.20 lakh/ unit for
Rs. 7.80 lakh/
General category (40
unitfor General
of the project cost)
category (60
Rs. 7.80 lakhlunit for
of the project
SC/ST/Women and
their cooperatives.
lakh/uni tfor
and their
Eligibility Criteria:
- All criteria in accordance with approved guidelines of Blue Revolution 2016-17.
- Preference may be given to applicants near/ or in the vicinity of the cluster area for
creation of fingerling area, however, decision in this regard may be taken by the selection
Selection Procedure:
- Procedure will be in accordance with approved guidelines for Implementation of RIDF- XXIII Trenches, 2017-18 under Fishery Department. Site nearl or in the vicinity of the cluster for creation of fingerling area may be given preference subject to approval of the selection committee.
- Implementation procedure will be in accordance with approved Blue Revolution 2016-17 under Fishery Department or as per directives and notifications issued by the Government of Assam from time to time.
- All other official procedures not mentioned will be as per existing Government procedures.
Fund Release and Mode of Payment:
- As per the approved guidelines of Blue Revolution 2016-17 under Fishery Department.
- All other official procedures not mentioned will be as per existing Government
- All payment through DBT only.

- Infrastructure (Solar power system-aerators:
- Improvement in oxygen level in aquatic environment
- Enhancement of production level
- Demonstration of use of aerators in aquaculture
- Socio-economic uplift of the rural people
Unit cost and sharing pattern:
- In accordance with approved guidelines of Govt. of India for Blue Revolution, 2017-18.
- 40% of the unit cost of Rs. 2.6751akh/unit as project share and remaining 60 will be the beneficiary share for General category.
- Similarly, 60% of the unit cost of Rs. 2.675 lakh/unit as project share and remaining 40% will be the beneficiary share for SC/ST/Women and their cooperatives.
- Details of unit cost and sharing pattern is tabulated below:
Unit cost
Government share
Rs. 1.07 lakh/ unit
per unit
General category (40
Unit for
of the project cost)
category (60 of
the project cost)
SC/ST/Women and their
Lakh/unit for
Eligibility Criteria:
- All other criteria in accordance with the Govt. of India approved guidelines for implementation of Blue Revolution 2016-17.
- Average minimum size of the Tank: 0.50 ha
- Farm area not less than 1 ha may be given preference.
- Individual/ fishery cooperative societies/SHGslNGOs/CBOs, etc. may apply.
- Financially sound to afford the entire cost from his own resources in advance
- The beneficiary must agree to bear the beneficiary share.
- All intended beneficiaries must agree to attend any training offered by the department.
- The applicant should have track record of producing at least 3000 kg/ha/year.
- Farmer’s producing table fish should be targeted.
- Land free. from all encumbrances/ownership/lease for at least 7 years with 5 years in
hand/NOC in case of multiple ownership
- The applicant preferably should have undergone advance training on recent advances in aquaculture or scientific fish fanning/aquaculture.
Selection Procedure:
- Procedure will be in accordance with approved guidelines for Implementation of RIDF- XXIII Trenches, 2017-18 under Fishery Department. However, DFDO will utilize all his technical expertise/resource available to select the best suitable candidate and recommendation at least 5 such candidate from the applicants for final decision/approval of DLSC
- Implementation procedure will be in accordance with approved guidelines of Blue
Revolution, 2016-17 under Fishery Department.
Fund Release and Mode of Payment:
- Fund to be released through DBT preferably in a single installment on satisfactory supply of the solar powered aerator subject to contribution of beneficiary share to the DFDO either in cheque/DD.
- The beneficiary may place the order with the selected farm/supplier finalized observing official procedure as may be the case for supply of solar powered aerator by contributing his share and the Govt. share may be released on supply of the item to the beneficiary.
3. Ghare Ghare Pukhri Ghare Ghare Maach" Scheme under RIDF-XXIII
Under "Ghare Ghare Pukhuri Ghare Ghare Maach" schemes,components like
(a) Construction of farmer’s individual ponds and village community tanks
(b) Farmers handholding for two years with supply of first two years inputs and
(c) Training to the project beneficiaries are included.
This guideline will be applicable under all the schemes of the Fishery
Department viz. Rural Infrastructure Development Funds (RIDF) of NABARD,
Blue Revolution of Government of India, State Owned Priority Development
(SoPD), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) Scheme, Chief Minister Samagra
Gramya Unnayan Yojana (CMSGUY) etc. where goals and objectives of the
schemes are same i.e. horizontal expansion of water area in the form of
construction of ponds and tanks for fish production enhancement.
Five days residential training will also be provided on pre-stocking, stocking
and post stocking management of pond and tanks, fish health management, etc.
by the fishery experts at the reputed Research & Training Institutes.
Objective of the Scheme:
The basic objective of the scheme is to
- expansion of pond and tanks area,
- increase fish production up to minimum of @ 3000-3500kg/ha/year
- Encouraging backyard fish farming for self sufficiency in fish production &
nutritional security to farmers/villagers,
- popularization of community-based fish farming through Community Tanks
- Training to fish farmers for enhancing knowledge and understanding of the farmers on advance fish farming.
Eligible Criteria:
- Construction of Farmers' Individual Ponds:
- Average Pond size: 0.14-0.20 ha
- Ownership of the land should belong to the concerned beneficiary. If the land is not in
the name of the beneficiary then No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the
actual owner of the proposed pond site duly signed by the Local Village
Head Man is to be submitted. DFDO or his designated officers should
ensure ownership of the land for development and copies of land
records has to be maintained in the O/O the DFDO for verification.
- The identified site must be free from any dispute/litigation/legal
- The beneficiaries who have availed similar assistance in last 5 years
for the specific scheme from the department/other department are not eligible.
- Beneficiary should agree to work in group approach through Common
Interest Group (CIG) I Fishery Interest Group (FIG), if suggested by
Director of Fisheries, Assam.
- Construction of Village Community Tanks
- Average size of the Tank: 1.0 ha to 5.0 ha
- Land should belong to fishery cooperative societies/SHGs/NGOs/
CBOs, etc./Govt. khas land including land ownership belongs to Assam
Fisheries Development Corporation Ltd (AFDC), FISHFED, etc. Such
Village Community Tanks will have to be managed by the fishery
cooperative societies/SHGs/NGOs/CBOs, etc.in case to case basis. In
case of AFDC and FISH FED, the community group will have to enter
into agreement with AFDC & FISH FED under the direct supervision of Directorate of Fisheries, Assam.
- Single ownership of land will not be eligible.
- The minimum number of beneficiary/members of fishery cooperative societies/
SHGs/NGOs/CBOs, etc. should be 10-15 against one Community Tank.
- Identified area must be free from any dispute or litigation. No existing community Tank will be included under the scheme and the proposed tank should be invariably a new one.
- Fishery cooperative societies/SHGs/NGOs/CBOs, etc will have to apply
as per the application form to be issued by the Fishery Deptt. along with
land documents, site plan and certified pre development photographs.
- If the fishery cooperative societies/SHGs/NGOs/CBOs, etc. have taken
the land area on lease, it should be for 7 years or at least 5 years
effective from the date of project approval/sanction commencing from
not later than 1st January of the year.
Unit cost and sharing pattern:
- For civil works, 80 of the total estimated cost (Existing Unit cost of Rs. 7.0
lakh/ha) will be the Government share and remaining 20 will be the
Beneficiary Share. Under RIDF scheme, RIDF Project Share includes 75
RIDF loan share and 5 State Government share and remaining 20
beneficiary shares. In case of other state owned schemes like CMSGUY, etc.,
CMSGUY Share will be 80and Beneficiary share will be 20 of the
estimated Project Cost or as desired by the government. For Blue Revolution
scheme, cost sharing will be taken as per the Blue Revolution Guideline, GoI.
- For inputs, 50% of the total estimated cost (Existing Unit cost of Rs. 1.50
lakh/ha) will be the Government Share and remaining 50% will be the
Beneficiary Share.
- For 5 days Training to the farmers, total estimated cost is Rs.2.50 lakh/batch
of 50 farmers with 100% Government share. The project farmers will be given
five days residential training on advanced piscicultural activities through
College of Fisheries /Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI)/
Central Institute of Fresh Water Aquaculture (CIFA) of ICAR / KVKs /National
Institute of Rural Development (NIRD).
Fish Inputs Management
Project cost will be restricted towards the most critical inputs namely Fish Seed and Fish Feed only for sustainable fish Production from per unit area. Department
will handhold the farmers for first two years with supply of inputs at 50:50 ratio
(Government share: Beneficiary share).inputs will be provided immediately after
construction of pond i.e. in the month of April-May of the calendar year.
Requirement of inputs, its cost and sharing pattern is indicated below for 1.0
ha unit area:
Beneficiary Selection Procedure:
- Director of Fisheries, Assam will communicate the district wise target based on
scope, need and potentialities of the district concerned.
- Based on district-Wise target so received, concerned District Fisheries
Development Officer (DFDO) will distribute the target to each constituency
based on scope, need and potentiality of the constituency and accordingly
inform the concerned Nodal Officer (Fishery) for necessary action to complete
the field survey as per the Departmental norms. These Nodal Officers will
coordinate the entire thing in time bound manner.
- DFDO will scrutinize all the applications received from the intending applicants
and will prepare the list of the individual farmers for Farmers Pond Scheme and
Community Groups etc. for Village Community Tanks as per the eligibility criteria
under Para 5.0 of this Guidelines. Concerned Nodal Officer will assist the DFDOs
in this regard. All such scrutinized applications will have to be supported by the
Survey Report (SR) signed by the Fishery Development Officer (FDOs) and
concerned Junior Engineers (JE) with their recommendations.
- Finally, DFDO will place the list of farmers/community groups, etc. before the
District Level Selection Committee (DLSC) to be headed /chaired by the Deputy
Commissioner or his representative not below the rank of Sub Divisional
Officer (Civil/Sadar).District Fisheries Development Officer (DFDO) will act as the
Member Secretary of the Committee while Sub-divisional Fisheries Development
Officer/ District Nodal Officer (Fishery) and District Agriculture Officer (DAO) will
be the Members of the Committee.
- DLSC will accordingly approve and recommend the District Beneficiary List
(individual farmer's ponds & village community tanks) and will submit and/or
forward to the Director of Fisheries, Assam for necessary action along with
Proceeding/ Minutes of the DLSC meeting.
- Beneficiaries will be asked to furnish an affidavit on RS.100/- Stamp Paper per
the terms and conditions, etc. of these guidelines so that schemes are
implemented effectively and properly.
Project Implementation
- The concerned District Fishery Development Officer and the officer designated
by the DFDO will be responsible for implementation of the scheme.
- The beneficiary must submit minimum two copies of neat & clean recent
PASSPORT photograph. Maintenance of pre development and post
development photographs of project site is mandatory.
- The beneficiary must have a running bank account in any nationalized/scheduled
bank branch available in the locality/choice. No financial help will be provided
from the scheme for opening of the Bank account.
- Individual estimate of civil works for every project under the schemes will be
prepared by the concerned Departmental Engineering staff in consultation with
Fisheries Development Officer (FDO) based on the actual requirement of the
selected site following existing norms and procedures of the Fishery
Department. If the amount required for accomplishment of the Civil Works
exceeds the approved amount, the additional amount is to be borne by the
beneficiaries concerned.
- For civil works, progress of work should be duly verified by the DFDO or his
official representatives based on record of the MB and bills following prevailing
rules and procedures. The engineering staff of the district will be responsible for
recording the MBs and other related documents with prevailing norms.
- Project Completion Report is to be submitted by the DFDOs with the help of his
technical staff as per the RIDF or departmental norms.
- The Individual beneficiary / Community Group must fix a permanent signboard
not smaller than 4'x 2', written on metallic sheet.
- All other official procedures not mentioned above will be as per existing
Government norms.
Fund Release and Mode of Payment:
- Fund Release: Civil Work:
Civil Work Fund will be released in three installments to the beneficiaries
(individual farmers and community groups) as stated below for RIDF Scheme:
- First installment: Release of 30% of RIDF loan share against each
individual project (i.e. individual pond & village community tank) as
Mobilization advance to start the initial pond construction activities .
- Second installment: Based on overall physical progress of minimum SO
of the construction work (i.e. 30% mobilization advance +20% beneficiary
share), second installment amounting to 70% of the RIDF loan share will be
released .
- While moving for the second installment; following documents are to be submitted along with the drawl proposal.
- Submission of photographs of pre development, ongoing and completion
of construction activities with farmers in background.
- Submission of Pond and Geo-tagging records.
- Submission of fund utilization certificates of mobilization advance.
- The DFDOs shall submit the UCs along with Progress Reports to the
Director in due course of time in standard format as per the norms.
All photographs/progress report, etc. are to be signed by the concerned
FDO, JE & DFDOs which will be treated as project completion report. The
PCR format will have to be submitted as per the NABARD format.
- Final Installment: S State Share will released after submission of detailed
completion report by the Directorate of Fisheries, Assam.
- Fund Release: Inputs: (For one 1.0 ha area)
- Firstly, liming and fertilization is to be completed by the farmers from his own
resource as indicated in the model estimate above and the same is to be
documented by the concerned FDOs/local Nodal Officer engaged under the
- Upon receipt of progress report with respect to completion of pre stocking
management (i.e. liming, fertilization, etc.), input cost toward fish seed and
feed (i.e. Government share) will be released in two installments through
DBT as follows:
- First Installment: Total cost of the fish seed and 50% of the fish feed cost
amounting to Rs.53522/- per ha against the total Govt. share of
Rs.75000/-ha will be released as first installment.
- Second Installment Upon submission of the utilization certificate of first
installment by the Director of Fisheries, Assam, remaining cost of fish feed
amounting to Rs.21478/- per ha will be released as second installment.
- For any convergence project with Chief Minister Samagra Gramya Unnayn
Yojana (CMSGUY-FMS), out of the total estimated input cost of Rs. 1.50
lakh/ha/year, CMSGUY share is Rs. 75000/-ha and beneficiary share is
Rs.75000/-ha for one year. Hence, total CMSGUY share for input is Rs. 1.50
lakh/ha and Beneficiary share is Rs. 1.S0 lakh for two years.
- Mode of Payment
The fund for civil works and inputs will be released to the beneficiaries
(individual farmers and community groups) through Direct Benefit Transfer
DFDO will ensure collection of beneficiary-wise bank account details
- Account Number,
- Name of beneficiary,
- Bank name
- Bank Branch,
- IFSC code etc to be recorded for payment. In case of
community tank group, the Joint Bank account must be in the name of the
Secretary and President of the Community Tank Group (may be fishery
cooperative societies/SHGslNGOs/CBOs, etc.).
- To avoid any ambiguity a cancelled cheque or the front page of the pass
book depicting relevant account information is to be collected from the
beneficiary. The beneficiary account should have KYC clearance.
- Based on information submitted by the DFDOs, Director of Fisheries, Assam
will submit fund drawl proposal to the Fishery Department in a standard
Format of NABARD etc. or the format to be supplied from the Fishery
Monitoring mechanism
To bring project sustainability, following monitoring mechanism will be in place:
- Introduction of smart MIS· Complete beneficiary details will be captured
through a smart MIS. Beneficiary wise pond and Tanks GEO- Tagging will be
done under the project. A special daughter website of the Fishery Dept.
Named as "Ghare Ghare Pukhuri Ghare Ghare Maach" is under process of
- Monitoring Team: Following monitoring teams will be in place for
sustainability of the project
(I) District level:
- The schemes will be normally monitored by the concerned DFDO and his
field level technical staff (SDFDO/FDO/JE) at the district level on regular
interval during the time of implementation of the scheme. The district
official will submit report to the DFDOconcerned who himself will randomly
visit and monitor the project sites time to time.
- Besides, an innovative monitoring mechanism will be in place wherein
monitoring will be done by the Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs)
under the direct supervision of Deputy Commissioner of the District. The
FLAGs will work at district, block and GP level immediately to supervise the
execution of the project works.
FLAG may include
- one representative of DC,
- one representative of SP,
- One representative of PO,
- One representative of DFDO and one or two representatives of local bodies.
(II) State level:
- A team comprising of officers as assigned by the Director of Fisheries,
Assam from time to time shall monitor the schemes randomly covering all
the project districts. The team will submit monitoring report to the Director
of Fisheries on regular basis.
- Vide notification no. FISH.19019/1/2017 (Fishery)/e-CF No-46260
Dated 30th January 2018, Government has constituted a Monitoring
Committee comprising the following members for effective supervision
and monitoring of the project activity. The team will submit their report to
the senior most Secy to the Government of Assam, Fishery Deptt.
To be acted as
Secy to the Govt. of Assam, Fishery Dept!.
Director of Fisheries, Assam
Joint Secy, Fisheries
Dy Secy to the Govt. of Assam, Fishery Deptt.
Representative from Finance Deptt. ( Econ. affairs), Government
of Assam
Executive Engineer (i/c), Directorate of Fisheries, Assam
Nodal Officer, RIDF, Directorate of Fisheries, Assam
Outcome of the project.
- Enhancement of fish production to minimum 3000-3500kg/ha/year.
- Encouraging backyard fish farming concept and popularization of
community-based fish farming through Village Community Tanks
- Making the State self-sufficiency in fish production & sustainable nutritional
security to farmers/villagers.